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Follow the links below to find material targeted to the unit's elements, performance criteria, required skills and knowledge

Elements and Performance Criteria

  1. Identify potential for sustainable community and bioregional development
  2. Develop processes to consult stakeholders
  3. Communicate potential and support for sustainable community and bioregional development

Range Statement

Knowledge Evidence

The candidate must demonstrate knowledge of:

sustainable community and bioregional development, such as:

local food security initiatives

community gardens and city farms

climate action and energy descent initiatives

transition towns programs

community education and outreach

local economy and trade including complementary currencies

sustainable enterprise and business development

social wellbeing and welfare services

renewable energy production

landcare and environment programs

sustainable agriculture and land use

sustainable forestry and reforestation

catchment and water resources management

sustainable development and housing

waste reduction and recycling

principles governing sustainable community and bioregional development

sources of relevant materials and verbal information

cultural protocols and perspectives, such as:

beliefs, religion & taboos

world views (mythological, political, social, biological)

acceptable modes of communication/language

body language

concepts of family and community

community leadership

relationships between community members, ages and sexes

acceptable modes of dress

relevant legislation and guidelines

principles of equal opportunity and affirmative action

community governance, financial systems, legal and health systems

current relationships between culturally diverse groups in the area

understanding of the role of various sections of the community in historical and relationship terms