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Elements and Performance Criteria

  1. Coordinate mobile propertyfire investigation
  2. Information required by fire investigators from multi-organisation/agency personnel is identified
  3. Work, Health and Safety (WHS)/Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) procedures are followed, in accordance with organisational procedures
  4. Secure fire scene and preserve evidence
  5. Methods of scene security prior to examination are implemented, in accordance with organisational procedures
  6. Procedures to monitor and log access to a fire scene are identified and applied, in accordance with organisational procedures
  7. Strategies for locating, collecting, preserving and processing evidence are implemented, in accordance with organisational procedures
  8. Conduct scene investigation
  9. External and internal survey of scene is conducted to identify hazards and action is taken to mitigate risk
  10. Scene is investigated to determine areas of interest and to record observations on origin, cause or development of the fire
  11. Burn patterns and effects of fire suppression are identified and assessed
  12. Areas or items of evidence that have a potential bearing on origin, cause or development of fire are identified
  13. Effects of construction and other factors that impact fire development and spread are identified
  14. Nature, combustibility and reactivity of materials involved in fire cause are identified
  15. Indicators of fire spread are identified in conjunction with other sources of evidence
  16. Effects of environmental conditions are recorded
  17. Evidence is assessed and prioritised for further review
  18. Fire origin and cause is determined and reported, in accordance with organisational procedures
  19. Collect and analyse evidence from a fire scene
  20. Appropriate collection techniques are applied including eliminating contamination and loss of evidence
  21. Integrity and continuity of collected exhibits is maintained, in accordance with organisational procedures
  22. Evidence from fire scene is analysed and processed using a range of recording and digital multimedia
  23. Product recall and safety data sheet databases are researched, as required
  24. Fire origin and cause determination theories are developed and assessed
  25. Findings are reported and documented, in accordance with organisational procedures
  26. Evidence is secured for subsequent action, in accordance with organisational procedures
  27. Investigation report is completed and forwarded to relevant authorities and stakeholders, in accordance with organisational procedures