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Follow the links below to find material targeted to the unit's elements, performance criteria, required skills and knowledge

Elements and Performance Criteria

  1. Maintain self-care
  2. Conclude the support
  3. Prepare to engage in psychological first aid
  4. Personal physical and mental ability to assist is considered before engaging in providing psychological first aid
  5. Potential safety and security aspects are identified and addressed before engaging with individuals impacted by an event
  6. Roles and responsibilities of the agencies involved in disaster response and community recovery are identified and confirmed
  7. Appropriate information on available services and supports are identified and provided to individuals impacted by an event
  8. Identify potential distress reactions in a crisis event
  9. A range of potential reactions from affected individuals are identified
  10. Adverse psychosocial reactions associated with traumatic events areidentified
  11. Support and assistance required to address potential distress reactions are identified
  12. Individuals are referred to additional or specialised support services in a timely way
  13. Determine who needs support
  14. Initial contact, rapport building and stabilisation techniques are used to determine support needs
  15. Needs of those experiencing psychological trauma are identified, assessed and prioritised
  16. Provide support to individuals impacted by a significant event
  17. Active listening techniques are used to communicate effectively with individuals who need support
  18. Courtesy, consideration and sensitivity are applied at all times
  19. Safety and security of self and clients is maintained
  20. Connectedness with community and agencies is supported to ensure solutions are found to address immediate needs and problems
  21. Basic client needs and access to the resources needed to cope with their situation are provided
  22. Positive language is used and a strengths-based approach is adopted
  23. Accurate and useful information is provided in a timely and appropriate way
  24. Cultural needs of the individual are identified and support is provided in an appropriate manner by appropriate individuals
  25. Self-awareness and self-care are consistently maintained
  26. Risk factors to wellbeing, including personal limitations, are recognised and addressed
  27. Own strengths and weaknesses are acknowledged and support from others is accessed as required
  28. Services are delivered in a way that ensures equity and sustainability
  29. Privacy and confidentiality are maintained according to organisation policies and procedures
  30. People whose needs exceed own role and organisational resources are referred to another service

Performance Evidence

Evidence required to demonstrate competence in this unit must be relevant to and satisfy all of the requirements of the elements and performance criteria on at least one occasion and include:

analysing and evaluating information

communicating effectively with people impacted by the event

determining and implementing response and support to meet needs of those seeking support

locating, interpreting and providing information that addresses requests for support

maintaining privacy and confidentiality

managing expectations when providing services to people

referring people to appropriate services

seeking assistance and support from others when necessary to provide support

using interpersonal communication skills

working with organisational information collection techniques and methods

working with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds and ensuring they are respected and communicated with sensitivity.

Knowledge Evidence

Evidence required to demonstrate competence in this unit must be relevant to and satisfy all of the requirements of the elements and performance criteria and include knowledge of:

active listening

causes of distress

confidentiality as it applied to psychological first aid

determinants of responses

distress responses

distressing events

diverse cultural backgrounds

elements of psychosocial support, including:

ensuring safety

instilling hope

promoting calm

promoting connectedness

promoting self-efficacy and group efficacy

ethical, legal frameworks, professional boundaries and standards

factors that influence an individual’s responses to a crisis event

grief, loss and trauma in psychological first aid

how people respond

interpersonal skills in crisis situations

mental health and psychosocial support service interventions

organisational professional standards

principles of effective communication

psychoeducation in own behaviour and feelings and those of other people

psychological first aid across different kinds of crises

psychological first aid principles

psychological support services

range of potential reactions individuals can display in response to a crisis event

roles and responsibilities of agencies involved in disaster response and community recovery

self-care techniques

situational awareness.